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Longings of Life

I have not been writing much recently; due to various professional reasons [no time for leisure writing!!]. Then, my personal space on MSN, which I had been using for scribbling my poignant thoughts, was lost. Since I would probably not have access to modify it further, I decided to create a similar blog on blogspot itself!!! I would be transferring my articles from MSN space to this blog soon. Will also be writing my heart out more on this blog; insha Allah [God willing].

Was also thinking of giving a more relevant name to this blog. Longings of Life appears to be pretty apt – Longing being a translation of my pen name Arman!!

Let me; however, start with my English translation of the famous nazm [poem] by Sir Allama Iqbal – “Lab pe aati hai dua banke tamanna meri”…

My longings and desires adorn my lips as supplication;
May my life, Oh Lord, be the face of the pious illumination;
May my persona ornament my homeland with elegance;
As the flowers ornament the garden with their fragrance;
May I reflect the mettle of the knowledge-seeking moth O Lord!
May I forever seek love for the radiance of knowledge O Lord!
May I last to support and brace the poor and the dejected;
May I live to love the elderly, the needy, and the neglected;
O ALLAH ! Protect me from the evil and estranged ways;
Make me walk the path of righteous and benevolent ways.


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